Help! I’ve Lost My Sewjo… 15 Ways to Get Your Sewjo Back

15 Tips to Get Your Sewjo Back

I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve lost my sewjo.  To be honest I don’t know if I really lost it or life happened and there just wasn’t enough room for it.  I’m a little tired of beating myself up about it.  Yes, I love sewing but when you are running around taking care of two little ones, a household and juggling other responsibilities like work, friends and family- YOU. GET. TIRED.  And you know what.  That is ok. But if you are like me and you are missing the hum of your sewing machine, the sound of cutting into really nice fabric or the feel of a me-made garment then maybe it’s time to get a little of that sewjo back!

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How to Get Your Sewjo Back

There are multiple ways to get your sewjo back but ultimately it all comes back to you. You are a unique individual with different challenges and opportunities. I have listed 15 ways for you to get your sewjo back. Maybe one will work for you or maybe none will work. That’s ok. The first step to getting your sewjo back is realizing you’ve lost it but you know you want it back. Let’s dive into 15 ways you can get your sewjo back.


Clean Up and Get Organized!

Currently I am cleaning up my sewing space. I have to clean up my space every few months because I sew in little snippets of time and have little time to put things away. I really love cleaning up my space because it brings new life to the room.  If your space has turned into a catchall start taking out things that don’t belong there first.  Then move on to decluttering and organizing your tools and fabric/notions stash.  Now that everything has returned to its home give the space a good dusting and vacuum or sweep! Wipe down your surfaces with a nice smelling cleanser and give your machine(s) a good dusting too – I like to use computer keyboard dust spray.  Once things are under control, create something visually pleasing on your sewing table. Put up a photo of something or someone that inspires you.  Bring the outdoors in with a potted plant or fresh flowers.  It could be as simple as your favorite knick knack – just make sure its something you love to look at. 


Shop your stash!

I have a wide variety of fabrics I have bought over the years with certain patterns in mind for them.  Needless to say I either never got around to those projects or I just forgot about them all together.  Take some time to go through your fabrics.  Like me, you have probably forgotten what you have.  It’s nice to take each one out and look at the colors, feel the texture and think of what you could make with it.  This is also a good time to remove any fabric you no longer want.  Maybe you have moved on from a certain look or style of fabric.  If so, it might be a good time to donate that fabric. It could be getting in the way of your sewjo.  I know I lose motivation when I feel guilty about something I bought impulsively that I realize I will never use.  Accept it and move on.  It’s costing you far more in motivation than the money you already spent.


Unfinished project? Try finishing it.

I have a few projects that I started and never finished.  If you have a project that is easy to finish that you could quickly utilize when finished take that out and see what you need to complete it. As for your other unfinished projects, are you really going to finish them?  Be real with yourself and move on from projects you just don’t care about anymore.  Put away the paper pattern pieces, see if the cut out fabric pieces are worth keeping and be done with it.  No point in dwelling on it or feeling guilty every time you see it in your sewing space. 

Take a break 

As much as sewing can be fun and bring us joy sometimes we may need a little bit of space.  Maybe put your sewing machine away for a bit and give yourself time to miss your practice. In that time you can reexamine your reasons and goals for your sewing. Is there anything else that you may have been neglecting that is nagging at you.  Take time to focus on what is most important in your life then come back for some much needed you time.

Get inspired

If your sewing is feeling aimless maybe you need to make a sewing plan. Are you sewing for yourself? Keeping up to date on the latest pattern releases and trendiest fabrics can be really fun but sometimes those trends just don’t translate to our real life.  Try putting together a plan for sewing a wardrobe you will actually wear. Think about the colors you really like to wear and the silhouettes that compliment your figure.  Don’t forget to think about what you usually do in your daily life and if the clothes you want to sew will be what you will really wear instead of what you think you should be wearing.  Seamwork has a design your own wardrobe class that would be a great place to start!

Don’t Get Inspired

Do you ever open emails from your favorite pattern shops or designers or maybe scroll through social media seeing all the fabulous new patterns available? Maybe you catalog in your head what you want to sew next then life happens and guess what you can’t get to that new pattern you are dreaming of.  Not a fun feeling, believe me I know. Maybe this sounds crazy but it might be time to take a break from the emails and social media feed.  Just for a bit until you can take care of the life in front of you.  Once you have more time, get clear on your true reasons for practicing sewing and start seeking inspiration again. 

Try a new craft

Your sewing slump could be that you are just bored.  Crafty folks like us tend to like all sorts of different creative outlets.  Is there a new craft you would like to try but feel like you don’t have the time? I don’t recommend completely investing in a new craft and buying all the tools and supplies that go with it but maybe try something simple.  Maybe a project that you can buy in a kit- think paper flowers, embroidery hoop projects or knitting kits.  You can even do some cooking, baking or gardening if those strike your fancy.  I personally love to cook and garden and have really blossomed in those areas since having children.  

Make a favorite pattern

We all have our favorite patterns.  Maybe it’s time to re-visit one of yours.  Get some new fabric and get excited about wearing it!  I love the Seamwork Astoria Sweater.  Hmm… I think I’m going to sew it…again!  What is nice about sewing a pattern you love is that you know you will be happy with the result and you will actually wear it. There is also no confusion during the sewing process eliminating the headache of guesswork.

Sew for others/charity

One of the ways that has helped me keep some of my sewjo alive is sewing Halloween costumes for my kids.  I loooove Halloween!  Sewing for my kids is a no brainer for me.  I will always sew for them no matter what.  I will also sew for friends or for a meaningful cause.  Somehow taking myself out of the equation makes it worthwhile.  Maybe it’s the expectation of someone else counting on me and I can’t let them down. 

Make a pattern in multiples

Have you ever thought about sewing gifts for the holidays?  Maybe it’s not clothing but an ornament, tea towels or tote bags.  You could sew those in multiples and give them away as a gift.  Sewing in multiples allows you to get really good at sewing one thing which builds confidence and takes the guesswork out of the project.  Plus it’s fun for the receiver to know you put extra time and effort into their gift.  Or you can also sew up some new underwear – we always need multiples of those after all!

Spend time with other people sewing

Do you have friends or family that sews?  Maybe it’s time to spend some time with them while they are sewing.  You don’t have to sew yourself but it might be nice to see someone in the flow of their sewing practice to get you inspired.

Join a sew along or contest

There are a variety of sewalongs and contests going on throughout the year that might be fun to join in on.  Look for something simple and fun and don’t get too attached to the results.  Remember you are trying to get your sewjo back not necessarily win or have the best results.  Definitely don’t want this to turn into a comparison game.

Dream up a new project

Is there something you have always wanted to sew but just felt like you didn’t have the skills or the time.  Maybe it’s time to give it a try.  Build out a sewing schedule for yourself.  List out the steps needed from beginning to end including the purchase of the fabric so you know exactly when you are doing everything and it becomes routine.  Once something gets built into your schedule it becomes habit and you just might get your sewjo back!

Cut into good fabric

Do you love the sound of your fabric scissors cutting into fabric?  I suppose that’s a whole other subject of ASMR but I gotta say that sound gets me excited about sewing!  I guess this is all to say that being in the moment can help you engage in your sewing practice again.  Whether it’s cutting into good fabric, the whir of your sewing machine or just listening to your favorite playlist while sewing.  If you let yourself get lost in it you might actually find that sewjo you’re looking for. 

Understand that sewjo doesn’t equal creativity

Finally, sewjo doesn’t equal creativitiy.  Maybe you are not as into your sewing practice but you are totally in it for something else in your life.  Creativity comes in all shapes and forms.  It doesn’t have to be a “craft” per se.  Go easy on yourself and give yourself a pat on the back for all the other ways you are showing up in life. Your sewjo will thank you for it!

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15 Ways to Get Your Sewjo Back
15 Tips to Get Your Sewjo Back

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