Wembley Cardigan by Seamwork Magazine

Seamwork Wembley Cardigan

Yes, another Seamwork Magazine pattern.  I was just gifted a subscription from my sister for my birthday a couple months ago so I can’t help myself. 😉

Anyway, Wembley has caused me some troubles which is unfortunate because I thought it was going to be super easy. 🙁

It really isn’t Wembley’s fault though.  It was totally me.  First off I didn’t notice that the fabric that I bought was slightly stretched out in one area.  It wasn’t terrible but because the fabric has a stripe print it becomes very noticeable when you are trying to cut the fabric out while making sure the stripes match up.  I spent too much time trying to fix this but it was important because what is the point of sewing something up only to have mismatching stripes. If I left it as is I’d never end up wearing it and it would be a waste.

Unfortunately, that ate up a few mornings.  I moved on though and kept sewing. Everything seemed fine until I noticed the very next day after I sewn on the waistband that the notches weren’t sewn into the seam allowance so there were little holes on the back of my cardigan. 🙁 So out came the seam ripper and another morning.

Finally I got the waistband and the cuffs squared away but I still had the neckband. Everything seemed to going well.  I double checked my measurements BUT once I pinned the neckband to the neckline it was much too long…  So I sewed up and cut off what I needed to.  It still ended up slightly long but much better it be too long than short.  I ended up covering up the raw edges of the ends of the neckband where it met at the waistband by just folding them in and do a few hand stitches to hold it in place.

Wembley was a pain but I do love how it turned out and I want to sew up another but probably in a solid color next time.  I’m thinking black for special occasions. 🙂

Happy Sewing!